The goal of
an integrative biology

Gilbert Chauvet website

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  WHO I AM ?
 Scientific activities (summary)

Functional organisation and n-levels field theory
- Theory
- Formalism

 Integration of physiological functions
- Cerebellum
(movement memory)
- Hippocampus
(cognitive memory)
- Organisation of biological
- Evolution
- Development
- Ageing
- Consciousness

- Respiratory, cardio-

vascular and renal systems
- Resuscitation

Drug discovery
 Journal of Integrative Neuroscience
Theory of hierarchical functional organization

Hierarchical representation for a biological theory of the functional organization (MTIP : Mathematical Theory of Integrative Physiology)

We previously saw that MTIP is an action and organization theory, at once topological and geometrical. In fact, we can start from a principle of functional interaction between biological structures and from a principle of hierarchical organization of the folowing structures : nucleus, cell, tissue and organ. The association of these interactions lead to the observed functional organization. I also previously mentionned the two propriteties of interactions, the non-symmetry and the non-locality, which played an essential role in the human being development.

How can we represent those interactions which are non-symmetrical and non-local actions of a structure on an other one ? Which process are connected to them ?
The first way consists in using graph theory in order to represent the functional hierarchy induced from the mix of interactions.The second way, complementary to the first one, consists in using the field theory so as to represent through time and space positioned action, non-symmetrical, namely a exchanged product between structural units between source and well. A fiel in mathematics is a variable quantity in all points in the space. In a given moment and in a given point of the physical space (the source), an operator spreads, in a subsequent moment, this quantity toward an other point (the well). This abstract description of the action dynamic offers one interest which is to implicitly take into account of the living system anatomy, while making explicit the propagation fathered by transformations which take place in the source.

One question ensues from this : why do functional interactions appear ?
Before reaching adulte state, the organism passes througha development phase in which its structural oragnization and its functional organization are altering. It exists a geneticala program which manages this evolution. But why this program acts as it is observed ? Against the finalism, this philosophical doctrine which imposes a final reason to the existence of each structure, we must understand why an association between two structures exists while it makes the system more complex and that each unit is, by its own, potentially self-sufficient. Now, contrary to what generally is obtained in physical systems, I showed both physicaly and mathematicaly(1) that a biological system is all the more stable since it is complex(2) : there is stabilisation by structure associations (what I called the stabilizing auto-association principle, or PAAS, general organizational principle in biology which describes why two structures tend to associate themselves, carrying out a new function). In biological terms, the compulsory conservation of the homeostasy during the development leads to structure association so as to the stability of the physiological dynamic increases. The PAAS leads to a mathematical construction of the biological system : associated units exist because their functional process associated to an other one become more stable and that an environmental perturbation, that used to destroy them before, can't do it anymore [see the diagram].

So, the theory I propose consists in a general principle, the PAAS, in the necessary existence of elementary functional interaction, and in a organised mathematical construction of the structural units from functional interactions. The hierarchical organization according to space and time scales is a fundamental element of that theory.
This organization permits to obtain a classification of the biological datas according to criterions (space and time), necessary for their integrated comprehension. The elementary physiological mechanisms are then classified according to a hierarchical graph which can be mathematicaly studied. We can next obtain a real integration of functional process observed.

To go further… (well-informed publici)
  Functional organization and fiel with n levels

[1] In particular when it's a matter of two biochimical ways (Chauvet and Costalat, 1995), but also in more complex cases, as for example the cerebellum dynamic (Chauvet and Chauvet 1999). The PAAS is a constant, a general organizational principle in biology. .
(2) It is the contrary in the physical systems (except from conditions to respect) : the explanation of the difference with biological systems rests on the causality type : evenemential for biological systems, non-evenemential for physical systems.
