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Pour une biologie intégrative
Site de Gilbert Chauvet

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 Activités scientifiques (résumé)

Organisation fonctionnelle et champ à n niveaux
- Théorie
- Formalisme


Intégration des fonctions physiologiques
- Cervelet
(mémoire du mouvement)
- Hippocampe
(mémoire cognitve)
- Organisation des systèmes
- Évolution
- Développement
- Vieillissement
- Conscience

- Système respiratoire,
cardio-vasculaire et rénal
- Réanimation

- Médicament

 Journal of Integrative Neuroscience
Publications dans les revues scientifiques - Congrès

Publications récentes (sélection)

- CHAUVET G.A., A new paradigm for theory in integrative biology - The principle of auto-associative stabilization : biochemical networks and the selection of neuronal groups, J. Integr. Neurosci., Vol. 5, No. 3, pages 381 à 415 (2006)

- CHAUVET G.A., On the existence of physiological age based on functonal hierarchy : a formal definition related to time irreversibility, J. Integr. Neurosci., Vol. 5, No. 3, pages 417 à 442 (2006)

- CHAUVET P., DUPOND J.M et CHAUVET G.A., On the integration of physiological mechanims in the nervous tissue using the MTIP : synaptic placticity depneding on neurons-astrocytes-capillaries interactions, J. Integr. Neurosci., Vol. 5, No. 3, pages 443 à 482 (2006)

- GARENNE A., CHAUVET G.A., A discrete approach for a model of temporal learning by the cerebellum: in silico classical conditioning of the eyeblink reflex, J. Integr. Neurosci., 3, 3, 1-18 (2004)

- CHAUVET G.A., On the mathematical integration of the nervous tissue based on the S-Propagator formalism. I. Theory, J. Integr. Neurosci., 1, 1, (2002)

- CHAUVET P., CHAUVET G.A., On the mathematical integration of the nervous tissue based on the S-Propagator formalism. II. Numerical simulations for molecular-dependent activity, J. Integr. Neurosci., 1, 2 (2002)

- CHAUVET G.A., BERGER T.W., Hierarchical model of the population dynamics of hippocampal dentate granule cells, Hippocampus, 12, 698-712 (2002)

- CHAUVET G.A., Biological intelligence and computational intelligence, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), UNESCO (2001)

- CHAUVET P., BERGER T.W., CHAUVET G.A., On the relative role of local and non-local effects in the hippocampus using n-level field theory, Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., (2001).

- CHAUVET G.A., Integrative approach to development, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), UNESCO (2001)

- CHAUVET G.A., Un développement optimal ? Science et Vie Hors-série n°210 (Mars 2000).

- Daya B., Chauvet G.A., On the role of anatomy in learning by the cerebellar cortex. Mathematical Biosciences, 155, pp.111-138 (1999)

- Chauvet G.A., S-propagators: A formalism for coupling levels in the hierarchical organization of neural networks. Int. J. General Systems, 00, pp. 1-44 (1999).

- Chauvet P., Chauvet G.A., Purkinje local circuits with delays: Mathematical conditions of stability for learning and retrieval, Neural Networks, 12, pp. 59-77 (1999).

- Chretien J.-M., Chauvet G.A., An algorithmic method for determining the kinetic system of receptor-channel complexes, Mathematical Biosciences, 147, pp.227-257 (1998).

- Chauvet G.A., On the hierarchical organization of physiological systems: The example of bone physiology, Cells and Materials, 7 (4), 259-269 (1997).

- Chauvet G.A., Costalat R., On the functional organization in a biological structure: the example of enzyme organization, CRAS Paris, 318, 5, 529-535 (1995)

- Chauvet P., Chauvet G.A., Mathematical Conditions for Adaptive Control in Marr's Model of the Sensorimotor System, Neural Networks (1995)

- Metry S., Chauvet G.A., A numerical computation of a 3-D Stokes problem in the description of intestinal peristaltic waves, Simulation Practice and Theory, 2, 179-203 (1995)

- Chauvet G.A., On associative motor learning by the cerebellar cortex: From Purkinje unit to network with variational learning rules, Math. Biosciences, 126, 1, 41-79 (1995)

- Chauvet G.A., Berger T.W., A hierarchical model derived from an n-level field theory to study the effects of long-term potentiation on system properties of the hippocampus, in Long-Term Potentiation, Baudry M., Davis J.-L. eds, MIT Press, Cambridge (1994).

- Chauvet G.A., Hierarchical functional organization of formal biological systems: A dynamical approach, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B. (1993) 339, 425-481.
Chauvet G.A., Non-locality in biological systems results from hierarchy. Application to nervous system, J. Math. Biol., 31, 5, 475-486 (1993).

- Vielle B., Chauvet G.A., Cyclic model of respiration applied to asymmetrical ventilation and periodic breathing, J. Biomed. Eng. 15, 3 : 251-256, 1993.

- Chauvet G.A., An n-Level Field Theory of Biological Neural Network, J. Math. Biol., 31, 771-795 (1993).
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Journaux (référés)

- GARENNE A., CHAUVET G.A., A discrete approach for a model of temporal learning by the cerebellum: in silico classical conditioning of the eyeblink reflex, J. Integr. Neurosci., 3, 3, 1-18 (2004)

- CHAUVET G.A., On the mathematical integration of the nervous tissue based on the S-Propagator formalism. I. Theory, J. Integr. Neurosci., 1, 1, (2002)

- CHAUVET P., CHAUVET G.A., On the mathematical integration of the nervous tissue based on the S-Propagator formalism. II. Numerical simulations for molecular-dependent activity, J. Integr. Neurosci., 1, 2 (2002)

- CHAUVET G.A., BERGER T.W., Hierarchical model of the population dynamics of hippocampal dentate granule cells, Hippocampus, 12, 698-712 (2002)

- CHAUVET P., BERGER T.W., CHAUVET G.A., On the relative role of local and non-local effects in the hippocampus using n-level field theory, Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., (2001).

- CHAUVET G.A., CHAUVET P., The Purkinje local circuit as an example of functional unit in the nervous system. In Advances in Synaptic Plasticity, Eds Baudry M., Davis J.L., Thompson R.F., The MIT Press, Cambridge, Chap. 12, pp. 277-298 (1999).

- LIAW J.-S., XIE X., GHAFFARI T., BAUDRY M., CHAUVET G.A., BERGER T.W., Role of synaptic geometry in the dynamics and efficacy of synaptic transmission. In Advances in Synaptic Plasticity, Eds Baudry M., Davis J.L., Thompson R.F., The MIT Press, Cambridge, Chap. 5, pp. 103-142 (1999).

- CHAUVET G., Sur le problème de la représentation en biologie et ses conséquences. In Cerveaux et Machines, Eds Institut Fredrik Bull, Hermes Science Publications, Paris, Chap. 16, pp. 269-281 (1999).

- CHAUVET G.A., CHAUVET P., Circuits neuromimétiques: que peut-on en attendre ? A propos d’un exemple sur la coordination du mouvement. Revue Scientifique et Technique de la Défense, 44(2), pp. 79-87 (1999).

- DAYA B., CHAUVET G.A., On the role of anatomy in learning by the cerebellar cortex. Mathematical Biosciences, 155, pp.111-138 (1999).

- CHAUVET G.A., S-propagators: A formalism for the hierarchical organization of physiological systems. Application to the nervous and the respiratory systems. Int. J. General Systems, 28(1), pp. 53-96 (1999).

- CHAUVET P., CHAUVET G.A., Purkinje local circuits with delays: Mathematical conditions of stability for learning and retrieval, Neural Networks, 12, pp. 59-77 (1999).

- Vielle B., Chauvet G., Delay equation analysis of human respiratory stability. Mathematical Biosciences, 152, pp.105-122 (1998).

- DAYA B., CHAUVET G.A., Simulations of learning in a cerebellar cortex model using an optimization method. In Simulation-Past, Present and Future - ESM98 – 12th European Simulation Multiconference, Manchester (UK), 16-19 June, Eds Zobel R, Moeller D., SCS Publication, pp. 301-304 (1998).

- AUBERLET J.-M., VIELLE B., CHAUVET G.A., Time scale in physiological systems: Application to the renal function.In Simulation-Past, Present and Future - ESM98 – 12th European Simulation Multiconference, Manchester (UK), 16-19 June, Eds Zobel R, Moeller D., SCS Publication, pp. 301-304 (1998).

- AUBERLET J.-M., VIELLE B., CHAUVET G.A., On the viability of a physiological system: Regulation of potassium by aldosterone. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences Série III-Sciences de la Vie-Life Sciences, 321, pp. 797-803 (1998).

- CHAUVET P., DAYA B., CHAUVET G.A., Conditions of stability for the simulation of a neuromimetic circuit. Application to a bipedal robot. In Simulation-Past, Present and Future - ESM98 – 12th European Simulation Multiconference, Manchester (UK), 16-19 June, Eds Zobel R, Moeller D., SCS Publication, pp. 443-447 (1998).

- CHAUVET G.A., Cerebellar Purkinje units - Basic functional elements of movement control, Brain and Behaviour Systems, article commentary, 20 (2), 247-248 (1997).

- CHAUVET G.A., On the hierarchical organization of physiological systems: The example of bone physiology, Cells and Materials, 7 (4), 259-269 (1997).

- CHAUVET G.A., BERGER T.W., Higher cognitive function of the hippocampus as the integration of a hierarchical model derived from an n-level field theory. In Neurobiology, Ionic, Channels, Neurons and the Brain, Eds Torre V., Conti F., Plenum Publishing Corporation, Chap. 22, pp. 277-292 (1996)

- CHAUVET G.A., On associative motor learning by the cerebellar cortex : From Purkinje unit to network with variational learning rules, Math. Biosciences, 126 (1), 41-79 (1995).

- METRY S., ARHAN P. , CHAUVET G.A., A mathematical analysis of intestinal peristaltic waves, Med. Eng. Phys, 17 (3), 204-214 (1995).

- METRY S., CHAUVET G.A., A numerical computation of a 3-D Stokes problem in the description of intestinal peristaltic waves, Simulation Practice and Theory, 2, 179-203 (1995).

- CHAUVET P., CHAUVET G.A., Mathematical Conditions for Adaptive Control in Marr's Model of the Sensorimotor System, Neural Networks, 8 (5), 693-706 (1995).

- CHAUVET G.A., Les effets prédictifs de la démarche intégrative. In Biomédecine 2000, Eds. Technique & Documentation, Lavoisier, Paris, Chap. 4, pp. 147-166 (1995).

- COSTALAT R., CHAUVET G., On the functional organization in a biological structure: the example of enzyme organization, CRAS Paris, 318 (5), 529-535 (1995).

- BERGER T.W., CHAUVET G.A., SCLABASSI R.J., A biologically based model of functional properties of the hippocampus, Neural Networks, 7 (6/7), 1031-1064 (1994).

- CHAUVET G.A., BERGER T.W., A hierarchical model derived from an n-level field theory to study the effects of long-term potentiation on system properties of the hippocampus. In Long-Term Potentiation, Baudry M., Davis J.-L. Eds, MIT Press, Cambridge (1994).

- BERGER T.W., BARRIONUEVO G., CHAUVET G., KRIEGER D.N., LEVITAN S.P., & SCLABASSI R.J., Theoretical and experimental strategies for a biologically constrained model of the hippocampus. In M. Baudry, R.F. Thompson, and J. Davis (Eds.), Synaptic Plasticity. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (1994).

- CHAUVET G., Les concepts de complexité, autonomie et auto-organisation en biologie. Application à la spécialisation cellulaire. In Actes du deuxième séminaire de l'Ecole de Biologie Théorique du CNRS (Eds. H. Le Guyader). Université de Rouen (1982).

- CHAUVET G., GIROU D., On the conservation of physiological function in a population of interactive and self-replicative units, Lecture Notes in Biomathematics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 48 (1982).

- CHAUVET G., The use of contact reflectometry in the investigations of dental surfaces, Material Chemistry and Physics, 13, 503-516 (1985).

- CHAUVET G., Habituation rules for a theory of the cerebellar cortex, Biological Cybernetics, 55,1-9 (1986).

- CHAUVET G., Integrative Theoretical Physiology : A new general Physiology ? , Semaine des Hopitaux de Paris, 64 (33), 2223-2227 (1988).

- CHAPEAU-BLONDEAU F., CHAUVET G.A., Stable, Oscillatory, and chaotic regimes in the dynamics of simple neural networks, Neural Networks, 5, 735-743 (1992).

- CHAUVET G.A., Non-locality in biological systems results from hierarchy. Application to nervous system, J. Math. Biol., 31 (5), 475-486 (1993).

- CHAUVET G.A., An n-Level Field Theory of Biological Neural Network, J. Math. Biol., 31, 771-795 (1993).

- VIELLE B., CHAUVET G.A., Mathematical study of periodic breathing as an instability of respiratory system, Math. Biosci. 114 (2), 149-172, 1993.

- VIELLE B., CHAUVET G.A., Cyclic model of respiration applied to asymmetrical ventilation and periodic breathing, J. Biomed. Eng. 15 (3), 251-256, 1993.

- VIELLE B., CHAUVET G.A., An ACSL simulation of the respiratory system, Int. J. Biomed. Comp. 33,45-54, (1993).

- CHAUVET G., Bases for an n-level field theory of biological neural networks. In Mathematics Applied to Biology and Medicine, Demongeot J., Capasso V. Eds, Chap. 1, pp. 59-68 (1993).

- CHAUVET G.A., Hierarchical functional organization of a formal biological system: A dynamical approach. I. The increase of complexity by self-association increases the domain of stability of a biological system. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B., 339, 425-444 (1993).

- CHAUVET G.A., Hierarchical functional organization of a formal biological system: A dynamical approach. II . The concept of non-symmetry leads to a criterium of evolution deduced from an optimum principle of the (O-FBS) sub-system. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B, 339, 445-461 (1993).

- CHAUVET G.A., Hierarchical functional organization of a formal biological system: A dynamical approach. III. The concept of non-locality leads to a field theory describing the dynamics at each level of organization of the (D-FBS) sub-system. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B, 339, 463-481 (1993).

- CHAPEAU-BLONDEAU F., CHAUVET G.A., Dynamic properties of a biologically motivated neural network model, Int. J. of Neural systems, 3 (4), 371-378 (1993).

- VIELLE B., CHAUVET G.A., A theoretical study of the stability of respiration. In Lectures Notes in Medical Informatics 45 MIE 91, (Eds K.P. Adlassnig, G. Grabner, S. Bengtsson, R. Hansen), Springer-Verlag, 587-591 (1991).

- CHAPEAU-BLONDEAU F., CHAUVET G.A., A Neural Network Model of the Cerebellar Cortex Performing Dynamic Associations, Biological Cybernetics, 65, 267-279 (1991).

- MACHBUB, C. & BURGER, J. & CHAUVET, G.A., Numerical study of interactive metabolic units. In Computational systems analysis (Eds. A. Sydow), 477-482. Amsterdam: Elsevier (1992)

- SIX P., CHAUVET G., An efficient structure for a medical information data base in a general hospital, International Journal of Biomedical Computing, 10, 251-264 (1988).

- SIX P., CHAUVET G., Estimation of visco-elastic parameters of the bronchial system from dynamical tracheobronchography measurements, International Journal of Biomedical Computing, 12, 349-357 (1981).

- CHAUVET G., SIX P., On a conversational system of epidemiological and medical information, Archives Médicales de l'Ouest, 13 (5), 227-241 (1981).

- SIX P., CHAUVET G., Comparison of resolution algorithms for the secular equation in the vibrational analysis of biological molecules, International Journal of Biomedical Computing, 10, 97-112 (1979).

- THOMAS Y., SIX P., CHAUVET G., TARAVEL B., LORENZELLI V., Structural study of simple and complex oxalates in lanthanides by IR Spectroscopy, Physica, 98, 131-139 (1979).

- SIX P., CHAUVET G., Mathematical Analysis of the Bronchial Elasticity, Mathematical Biosciences, 45, 209-226 (1979)

- CHAUVET G., An interpretation of asynchronism in non-sequential ventilation (apical and basal regions of the lung), International Journal of Biomedical Computing, 9, 25-36 (1978).

- CHAUVET G., Discussion on basic equations for a flow in human air passages and their representation, International Journal of Biomedical Computing, 9, 353, (1978).

- CHAUVET G., Mathematical study of flow in a non-symmetrical bronchial tree : Application to asynchronous ventilation, Mathematical Biosciences, 42, 73-91 (1978).

- LORENZELLI V., CHAUVET G., TARAVEL B., Spectroscopic investigations of metal ions in complexes and biological systems using a preliminary method of vibrational assignment, Journal of molecular structure, 45, 217-238 (1978).

- SIX P., CHAUVET G., TARAVEL B., LORENZELLI V., On the vibrational assignment of N2O4, Physica, 95C, 244-250 (1978).

- CHAUVET G., TUCHAIS E., A physical model of time-dependent flow in the human air passages, International Journal of Biomedical Computing, 8, 21 (1977).

- CHAUVET G., TARAVEL B., LORENZELLI V., DELORME P., Vibrational study of Cu-environment in malachite, Materials Chemistry, 1, 255-266 (1976).

- CHAUVET G., On the resolution of the secular equation in the vibrational analysis of biological macromolecules, Annales de Physique Biologique et medicale, 9 (3), 157-172 (1975).

- CHAUVET G., TARAVEL B., LORENZELLI V., A preliminary method of frequency assignment to molecular vibrations, Journal of Molecular Structure, 20, 189-196 (1974).
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- CHAUVET G.A., CHAUVET P., BERGER T.W., Mathematical modeling as a basic tool for neuromimetic circuits (to appear 2005)

- DAYA B., CHAUVET P., GARENNE A., CHAUVET G.A., Learning Rules for Dynamic Trajectories in the Cerebellar Cortex: Application to a Bipedal Robot, Proceedings of the IASTED (International Conference on Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence), (2004)

- GARENNE A., CHAUVET P., DAYA B., CHAUVET G.A., Dynamic Learning Model of Eyeblink Conditioned Reflex: Computational Simulation and Implications, Proceedings of the IASTED (International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications), (2004).

- CHAUVET G.A., On the integration of the respiratory function, D..Schneditz, F. Kappel, J. Batzel Edr, Workshop on Cardiovascular-Respiratory and Metabolic Control Modeling, Graz, June 2003.

- CHAUVET G.A., On the integration of physiological systems ; the example of respiratory function, D..Schneditz, F. Kappel, J. Batzel, Workshop on cardiorespiratory control modeling, Graz, June 2001.

- CHAUVET G.A. , CHAUVET P., PhysioLAB eduÔ : An Interactive, Modeling and Simulation System for Learning and Research in Biomedicine, ASEE Annual Conference, St Louis, USA (18-21 Juin 2000).

- CHAUVET G.A., Traversing levels of organization in biological systems: the S-propagator formalism, 4th Systems Science European Congress, Valencia-Ibiza, 20-24 september (1999).

- CHAUVET P., BERGER T.W., CHAUVET G.A., PhysioLAB edu: An interactive, modeling and simulation system for learning fundamental principles of physiology, Congres ESM 99, Varsovie, 1-4 june (1999).

- CHAUVET G.A., On the Usefulness of a Unifying Formalism to Integrate Physiological Functions. The Example of the S-Propagators formalism. BMSR Workshop, Santa Monica - 13-14 Nov (1998).

- CHAUVET P., DAYA B., CHAUVET G.A., A neuromimetic circuit inspired by the cerebellar cortex as a basis for stabilizing walking robots, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Anchorage, Alaska - 4-9 May (1998).

- DAYA B., ABDUL-HALIM J., CHAUVET G.A., Error signal in cerebellar climbing fibers, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Anchorage, Alaska - 4-9 May (1998).

- CHAUVET G.A., CHAUVET P., Integration of functional processes in the nervous tissue: mathematical and computational aspects, Symposium: Synaptic Plasticity: molecular, cellular and fonctional aspects, Angers, 22-24 Sept.(1997).

- CHAUVET G.A., CHAUVET P., On the definition of a Purkinje local circuit through the stability of its function, 3rd ECMBM, Heidelberg (1996).

- AUBERLET J.-M., VIELLE B., CHAUVET G.A., An example of integrated physiological function: the renal function, 3rd ECMBM, Heidelberg (1996).

- DAYA B., CHAUVET G.A., On the role of Hierarchy and Geometry on Learning in the Cerebellar Cortex using a Field Theory, 3rd European Congress on Systems Science, Roma, Oct. 1-4 (1996).

- YEARSLEY J., CHAUVET G.A., Nervous system constraints from a time-scale hierarchy, 3rd European Congress on Systems Science, Roma, Oct. 1-4 (1996).

- CHAUVET G.A., Measurement of the functional complexity of biological systems, 3rd European Congress on Systems Science, Roma, Oct. 1-4 (1996).

- CHAUVET P., CHAUVET G.A., Dynamics of Delayed Coupled Purkinje Units in the Cerebellar Cortex, World Congress on Neural Networks, San Diego, 15-18 Sept (1996).

- DAYA B., CHAUVET G.A., Control of Dynamic Biped Locomotion Using a Neural Network, World Congress on Neural Networks, San Diego, 15-18 Sept (1996).

- CHAUVET G.A., CHRETIEN J.-M., BERGER T.W., A general method for determining the rate constants of kinetic models for the NMDA receptor complex, Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., 21, 82-82 (1995).

- CHAUVET G.A., BERGER, T.W., A statistical interpretation of synaptic activation in the hippocampus based on the population extracellular EPSP, Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., Miami (1994).

- BERGER T.W., BOURDON E., CHAUVET G.A., The analysis of nonlinearities in a theoretical model of the hippocampus, Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., Miami (1994).

- CHAUVET P., CHAUVET G.A., A Class of Functions for the Adaptive Control of the Cerebellar Cortex, INNS94, San Diego (1994).

- CHAUVET P., CHAUVET G.A., Study of a Purkinje unit as a basic oscillator of the cerebellar cortex, Proceedings of the international conference on artificial neural networks, Sorrento, Italy, Vol.1, 90-93, Springer-Verlag (1994).

- LIAW J-S., BAUDRY M., CHAUVET G.A., BERGER T.W., Simulation of the molecular mechanisms regulating transmitter release, Proceedings CNS (1994).

- GAUDEAU C., CHAPEAU-BLONDEAU F., CHAUVET G.A., Analysis of space motion sickness from ESG signal. In: 5th European Symposium on Life Science Research in Space,Arcachon,France,26 Sept.-1 Oct. 1993 (ESA SP-366) (1993).

- CHAUVET G.A., BERGER T.W., A hierarchical model derived from an n-level field theory to study LTP in the global hippocampus, in M. Baudry and J. Davis (Eds.), Long-Term Potentiation: A Debate of Current Issues. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, (1993).

- COSTALAT R., CHAUVET G.A., Electrical interactions in biological neural networks, World Congress on Neural Networks, Portland, Oregon, July (1993).

- CHAUVET P., CHAUVET G.A,. On the ability of cerebellar Purkinje units to constitute a neural network, World Congress on Neural Networks, Portland, Oregon, July (1993).

- CHAUVET P., CHAUVET G.A. , The Purkinje unit of the cerebellum as a model of a stable neural network, In: Proceedings of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Brussels, April 7-9, 1993, ESANN'93 79-84 (1993).

- CHAUVET G., Systèmes physiologiques, in Systémique: Théorie et applications, F. Le Gallou, B. Bouchon-Meunier, Eds, Technique et Documentation Lavoisier, Paris (1992).

- GAUDEAU C, CHAPEAU-BLONDEAU F, CHAUVET G., Detection of Nausea States from ESG signals during parabolic flights, ESA workshop, ESTEC (1992).

- GAUDEAU C., CHAPEAU-BLONDEAU F. & CHAUVET G.A., Detection of nausea states from ESG signals during parabolic flights. European Space Agency Workshop, Noordwijk, The Netherland, June 1992, p 106-139 (1992).

- VIELLE B., CHAUVET G.A., Mathematical analysis of the intrinsic stability of the respiratory system. In Abstracts of the 1st European Conference on Mathematics Applied to Biology and Medicine, 356-358 (1991).

- CHAUVET G.A., URBAN N., BERGER T.W., A mathematical model for the dynamics of the NMDA receptor-channel, Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., (1991).

- COSTALAT R., GENET S., THIELS E., BERGER T.W., CHAUVET G.A., Application of a model of the interaction between two neurons to extracellular field potentials of populations of hippocampal pyramidal cells, Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., (1991).

- COSTALAT R., CHAUVET G.A., A biophysical model of the interaction between two neurons: Generation of the extracellular field potential from the determination of the ionic current lines in the extracellular medium, ENA/EBBS/BRA Meeting, Cambridge (1991)

- CHAUVET G., BERGER T.W., Two-level field theory interpretation of hippocampal extracellular field potentials, Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., 16 (1), p. 739 (1990).

- GAUDEAU C, GOUTHIÈRE L., LE TOULLEC, LAWTON E, CHAUVET G. Simulation expert system for physiological mechanisms of the space motion sickness, 4th European Symposium Life Sciences Research, Trieste, Italy (1990).

- CHAUVET G., Concepts et Théorie: de la physique à la biologie. Auto-organisation fonctionnelle associative, in Perspectives systémiques, B. Paulré Eds, l'Interdisciplinaire, 480, rue de la Glande, 69760, Limonest-Lyon (1989).

- CHAUVET G., BERGER T.W., Quantitative estimation of the number and distribution of active dentate granule cells in the hippocampus as a function of impulse activity of entorhinal afferents, Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., 15 (2), p. 402 (1989).

- CHAUVET G., Correlation principle and physiological interpretation of synaptic efficacy, in Systems with learning and memory abilities, J. Delacour and J.C.S. Levy Eds, Elsevier (1988).

- CHAUVET G., Interprétation du concept de plasticité synaptique dans le cadre d'une théorie du champ de l'activité neurale, in Biologie Théorique, Solignac 86, Editions du CNRS (1988).

- CHAUVET G., Learning abilities for a cerebellar Purkinje unit, Neural Networks, Boston (1988).

- CHAUVET G., On the interpretation of data in medicine : Computing and Theoretical Biology, Colloque sur l'interprétation, Editions Aubier, Paris (1987).

- CHAUVET G., A theoretical analysis of the consequences of ventilatory mechanics on respiratory regulation, in Concepts and formalizations in the control of breathing, G. Benchetrit, P. Baconnier, J. Demongeot Eds, Manchester University Press (1987).

- CHAUVET G., Integrative physiology: New sources for functional investigations, in Progress in computer-assisted function analysis, J.L. Willems, J.H. Van Bemmel, J. Michel, North-Holland (1987).

- CHAUVET G., The principle of learning in some mathematical models of the cerebellar cortex, in 4rd meeting SFBT, M.Lück Ed., Editions du CNRS, Paris (1986).

CHAUVET G., A model of synaptic efficacy in the regulation of behavior, in Physiological Régulations: Recent Models, G. Chauvet, J.A. Jacquez Eds, Coll. Biologie Théorique, Masson, 1 (1986).

- CHAUVET G., SIX P., On the study of attention by computing psychometry, in Physiological Régulations: Recent Models, G. Chauvet, J.A. Jacquez Eds, Coll. Biologie Théorique, Masson, 1 (1986).

- CHAUVET G., On the interpretation of medical data : Role of computing and Theoretical Biology, Colloque sur l'Interprétation, Collège International de Philosophie, Paris (1985).

- CHAUVET G., On the concepts of complexity, autonomy, and self-organization in biology, application to tissue specialisation, in Actes de l'Ecole de Biologie Théorique, AMTB, CEA Saclay, (1982).

- CHAUVET G., Is a field theory possible in biology ?, in Actes du 1er colloque Biologie Théorique et Médecine, IRIES, Beynes (1982).

- CHAUVET G., SIX P., A study of ventilatory asynchronism by a mathematical analysis of lung volumes, Colloque International sur les signaux et les images en Médecine et en Biologie, Biosigma, Paris (1978).

- CHAUVET G., SIX P., Theoretical analysis of bronchial elasticity and regional inequalities in the ventilation mechanism, in Current topics in cybernetics and systems, 4ème Congrès Mondial de Cybernétique et Systèmes Généraux, Amsterdam (1978).

- CHAUVET G., Influence of the respiratory rythm on flow in airways, Medical Data Processing, Toulouse, Taylor & Francis LTD, London (1976).

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- CHAUVET G., Demain, l’homme artificiel, DH Magazine, 65, p.60 (1999).

- GAUDEAU C., SERRE A.-F., REDOUANE M., LE CHRIST A., ROBERT E., TANCHE M., THOUVENOT J., CHAUVET G.A., An expert system for simulation and modeling of space motion sickness based on physiological data (1996).

- CHAUVET G.A., Measurement of the Functional Complexity of Biological Systems, 3rd European Congress on Systems Science, Roma, Oct. 1-4 (1996).

- CHAPEAU-BLONDEAU F., CHAUVET G.A., Un circuit neuronal d'inspiration biologique réalisant un oscillateur contrôlable en fréquence. 6ème Journées Neurosciences et Sciences de l'Ingénieur, Oléron, France, 25-28 Mai (1992).

- CHAPEAU-BLONDEAU F , CHAUVET G.A., Sur les conditions de stabilité de certains systèmes dynamiques non-linéaires modélisant des réseaux de neurones. 1st European Congress of Mathematics, Paris, 6-10 Juillet (1992).

- CHAPEAU-BLONDEAU F., CHAUVET G.A., Stable and unstable dynamics in a class of neural network models, 1st European Conference on Mathematics applied to Biology and Medecine, Grenoble (France), 7-11 Janvier (1991).

- VIELLE B., CHAUVET G.A., Mathematical analysis of the intrinsic stability of the respiratory system, 1st European Conference on Mathematics applied to Biology and Medecine, Grenoble (France), 7-11 Janvier (1991).

- CHAUVET G.A., On the deduction of learning rules in a neural network with a continuous dynamics, 1st European Conference on Mathematics applied to Biology and Medecine, Grenoble (France), 7-11 Janvier (1991).

- CHAUVET G.A., Bases for an n-level field theory of biological neural networks, 1st European Conference on Mathematics applied to Biology and Medecine, Grenoble (France), 7-11 Janvier (1991).

- CHAUVET G.A., Systèmes physiologiques, Première Ecole de Systémique, AFCET, Abbaye de Solignac, 3-7 Décembre (1990).

- CHAPEAU-BLONDEAU F., CHAUVET G.A., Mémorisation de séquences temporelles par un réseau de neurones reproduisant la structure du cortex cérébelleux, 5ème Journées Neurosciences et Sciences de l'Ingénieur, Aussois, France, Mai (1990).

- CHAPEAU-BLONDEAU F., CHAUVET G.A., Dynamique complexe et chaos dans un modèle théorique de réseau de neurones, Colloque INSERM Biomathématique et Bioinformatique, Lamoura, France, Octobre (1990).

- CHAPEAU-BLONDEAU F., GOURAUD A., CHAUVET G.A., Quel type de réseau de neurones pour le cortex cérébelleux ?, Second International Conference on Neural Networks and their Applications, Nîmes, France, Novembre (1989).

- CHAUVET G.A., Plasticity in neuronal hierarchical networks, Workshop on "Systems with learning and memory abilities", Université Paris VII (1987).

- CHAUVET G.A., On the formalized description of physiological functions: Application to control systems, IMIA, Progress in biological function analysis by computer technologies, Berlin, 19-23 May (1987).

- CHAUVET G.A., Learning abilities for a cerebellar Purkinje unit, INNS, Boston (1988).

- THOMMERET E., SIX P., CHAUVET G.A., HARRY P., ALQUIER P., Etude rétrospective du devenir de 586 premières tentatives de suicide à l'aide d'un système d'information médicale (SIGMED), (1986).

- CHAUVET G.A., Evaluation of a learning process : use of a neuronal model, Cognitiva 85, Paris, 4-7 Juin (1985).

- CHAUVET G.A., Theoretical Biology and Functional explorations in Medicine, Colloque Hippocrate 2001, Monaco (1985).

- CHAUVET G.A., Cerebellum models : An interpretation of some features, les HOUCHES, Ecole de Physique Théorique, CESTA (1985).

- CHAUVET G.A., SIX P., LONGEVIALLE C., CROCQ L., A self-learning multi-users system for the neuropsychiatry, Congrès Informatique Médicale, Toulouse, Mars (1982).

- SIX P., CHAUVET G.A., Mathematical study of bronchial elasticity and its consequences, Journées d'Informatique Médicale, Toulouse, 5-9 Mai (1980).

- CHAUVET G.A., SIX P., CHAPERON J., On the realization of a medical information system, Journées d'Informatique Médicale, Toulouse, 5-9 Mai (1980).

- CHAPERON J., THREONY A., CHAUVET G.A., SIX P., On the conception of a medical and epidemiological information system in a French hospital, Systems Sciences in Health Care, Montréal (1980).

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Conférence (invité)

- CHAUVET G.A., On the Integration of Physiological Systems. The Example of Respiratory Regulation, Workshop, Graz University (2001).

- CHAUVET G.A., A theory to integrate physiological functions with application to the nervous system, Conference University of Bologna (October 2001).

- CHAUVET G.A., Multi-hierarchical modeling and n-field theory , BMES meeting, Seattle (2000).

- CHAUVET G.A., A formalism for the integration of physiological functions. Application to a multimedia interactive system for teaching. The University of Utah (April 1999).

- CHAUVET G.A., Are biological systems specific ? Consequences on biomedical engineering studies. Workshop on " Teaching Life Sciences to Biomedical Engineers ", The Whitaker Foundation (4-5 May 1998)

- CHAUVET G.A., Some questions about simulation-based teaching materials. A formalism and a representation. Workshop, The Whitaker Foundation (April 1999).

- CHAUVET G.A., On the functional organization of biological systems, Conference Institute for Theoretical Dynamics, UC Davis (1997).

- Committee " Learning and Intelligent Systems ", National Science Foundation, Washington, 20-23 Février (1997).

- CHAUVET G.A., The Purkinje local circuit as an example of functional unit in the nervous system, Synaptic Plasticity: Molecular, cellular and functional aspects, ONR Washington (1997).

- CHAUVET G.A., Chairman for the session: Hierarchical Organisation of Biological Systems, 3rd European Congress on Systems Science, Roma, Oct. 1-4 (1996).

- CHAUVET G.A., The Self-Association Hypothesis as a Paradigm for Cellular and Macromolecular Organisation, Gordon Conferences, Oxford, 1-6 Sept. (1996).

- CHAUVET G.A., New Concepts and general Formalism for Integrative Physiology. Application to Neural Networks, Mathematical Colloquium, Dept of Mathematics, 30 Oct.-3 Nov. (1995).

- CHAUVET G.A., Hierarchical representation of physiological functions. New properties and the case of the cerebellum, Traversing scales organization Workshop, NIMH, Washington 16-17 June (1995).

- CHAUVET G.A., On the Hierarchical Organization of Biological Systems, Scanning Microscopy International Meeting, Bethesda, 10-15 May (1996).

- CHAUVET G.A., On the functional organization of biological systems: an integrative hierarchical approach, ISSS meeting, Amsterdam, 24-28 July (1995).

-CHAUVET G.A., Chairman for the session: General systems, ISSS meeting, Amsterdam, July (1995).

- CHAUVET G.A., Integration in biological neural networks: the case of the cerebellum, NATO School in Neurobiology, Erice Centre, 15-19 May (1995).

- CHAUVET G.A., Course on modeling of endocrine systems, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, November (1994).

- CHAUVET G.A., An n-Level Field Theory for the study of biological systems: new variational learning rules for the cerebellum, Conference "Viability and Control", Fontevraud 27th June-1st July (1994).

- CHAUVET G.A., CHAUVET P., On the problem of stability for the Purkinje units of the cerebellar neural network, NIPS's Workshop, 3-4 December (1993).

- CHAUVET G.A., On the problem of stability for the Purkinje units of the cerebellar neural network, NIPS's Workshop, Denver, 3-4 December (1993).

- CHAUVET G.A., Field theory representation of neural networks, Biomedical Engineering seminar, USC, 9 November (1993).

- CHAUVET G.A., A computational model of the cerebellar cortex: on a new class of learning rules, Winter Conference on neural plasticity, 5th annual meeting, 20-27 february (1993).

- CHAUVET G.A., An n-Level Field Theory of Biological Neural Networks in the framework of the functional organization of biological systems, 1er Congrès Européen de Mathématiques, Paris, France, Juillet (1992).

- CHAUVET G. A., A Theory of the functional organization of biological systems. Application to the nervous system. Seminar of the Center for Mathematical Biology, University of Oxford, Juin (1992).

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